The Larry H. Miller Utah Summer Games promotes a safe atmosphere in its competitive activities. To that end, USG has the following goals for its competitions, along with conduct requirements. GOALS 1. For participants and coaches to have fun in a positive environment that encourages growth and development. 2. Engagement in healthy competition that provides a unique setting for participants to learn and experience valuable universal values which includes respect, teamwork, personal responsibility, integrity, honesty and leadership. 3. Achievement of a thorough understanding of the game and/or sport. 4. Encouragement of leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment by participants and coaches. 5. Recognition that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social and emotional well-being of the individual players. 6. Win with character; lose with dignity and respect. The Code of Conduct is as follows for participants, coaches, spectators, and others involved in USG competition: REQUIREMENTS 1. Show common courtesy to opposing teams and players. Exercise good sportsmanlike behavior consistent with the Goals. 2. Conduct yourself to reflect positively upon yourself and your team. Refrain from being disruptive of the games by taunting or yelling about or towards officials, staff, or their decisions. 3. Know the rules of the sport and competition and follow them. 4. Abide by and respect the decisions of officials and USG staff. 5. No touching officials or staff in any way. 6. No violence, threats of violence, or profanity/lewd/obscene language. 7. No harassment or discrimination against participants, fans, coaches, referees or others involved in a competition or other USG activity, including but not limited to racial and ethnic slurs, threats, gestures, and disruptions based on any protected category, such as race, religion, gender, sex, sexual orientation, consistent with Southern Utah University’s nondiscrimination statement and standards. If issues necessitate responsive action, officials and USG staff have authority, within the scope of their role, to make a determination about continued participation. All participants, coaches, and spectators must abide by those decisions. I have read and understand the participant requirements and understand violation of these may result in disciplinary action that could include being removed from competition, prohibitions against other or future participation, and forfeiting registration fees. I agree to abide by the requirements and consequences imposed in any way related to the Utah Summer Games regardless of contest, site, or jurisdiction.